| "From rap to rock, these 18 short songs feature such popular topics as boogers, gas, and burps. - full review |
 | "It's a rocked up celebration of the wonderful, whimsical, wholly disgusting trappings of childhood wrapped in a lo-fi and imminently approachable musical package." - full review |
 | "... he stalks the thematic grounds of children's music where others fear to tread." - full review |
 | Presidents of America is a wistful, catchy pop song created by Bihuniak as an entertaining learning tool for teachers, parents, and, well, kids who like rock songs about Presidents!" - full review |
 | "Your 6 to 9 year olds are gonna think this CD is heeeeelarious! And "Dirty Nails" is a seriously rockin' tune!" - full review |
 | "You're Room's a Mess"... is the hottest kids track... we've heard in forever!!!!!! |
 | "This type of music would fall into the comedy rock zone. They're short and sweet as they give you a little taste before they take it away." - full review |
 | "Rock Daddy Rock wants to make you and your kids get up and dance and laugh at the simple silly stuff that every kid (and most adults who are honest!) find to be hilarious." - full review |
 | "They're hilarious to the whole family, and manage to teach some great manners and life lessons through the laughter." - full review |
 | "The songs are catchy, but not preachy. Seriously, this is good stuff." full review |
 | "My daughters and I laughed so hard throughout the whole CD!!! They laughed because they thought it was just funny. I laughed because it was SO TRUE TO LIFE!" - full review |
 | "Rock Daddy Rock is a great way to sneak in some life manners while having fun. You can't beat music for kids that is fun, educational and not just another rendition of traditional nursery rhymes!" - full review |
 | "These rock-based songs are indeed short and yes, they are silly but they will entertain taller people too." |
 | "Part of the appeal is listening to songs like "Don't Pass the Gas" without getting into trouble for using potty words. But the real delight comes from Bihuniak's hard rocking and danceable music." - full review |
 | "Within moments of hitting 'play', my 5 and 6 year old were in giggle fits in the backseat." - full review |
 | "I have a feeling I will be listening to this in the car quite a few times, but that's okay because I really enjoy it too!" - full review |
 | On Gooney Bird Kids radio show... "we really get a kick out of the humor in the songs!" |
 | The '80s teen in me cracked up when I heard the phrase "I'm totally, like, wow" in the song "Your Room's a Mess." - full review |
 | "Thank you once again for making this such a successful kids' show. You generosity keeps it (and me) going." - Dave |
 | "I enjoy the CD and hope to play off it more in the near future." - Momma C |
 | "Rock Daddy Rock adds life lessons into songs about diapers, dirt, boogers, burps, fighting, biting, messy rooms and more." - full review |
"I really dig your music!" - Kenny
"We LOVED LOVED LOVED them. They are hysterical!" - Molly
"You sneak in a lot of educational elements in a very fun way. I absolutely like that you use different styles of music." - Marijke
"Cool Stuff RDR!!!" - Candy Band
"We played it over and over yesterday and today while driving home. My daughter may even start cleaning her room." - Midge
"Funny, gross and real with good life lessons to learn and discuss." - Katy
"These are very everyday, down to earth. That's good." - Tom
"These poems are fun - I like them all. I like how several turn sweet." - Tina
"Awesome. Great. Good and disgusting." - Heather
"Love it! Hilarious." - Jamie
"Very fun music! Sounds great!" - Jeff
"Loved it whenever there were kids' voices." - Jennifer
"What a great collection of poems." - Janice
"You have some very catchy songs." - Jaymie
"They ponder into behavioral issues without sounding moralistic. They are playful, fun, contemporary and work with educational values." - Saskia
"4th grade girls like the beats." - Jenny
"These are a blast. You are amazingly creative!" - Danna
"Liked it when kids chimed in during songs. Music reminded us of many popular songs." - Michelle
"Who plays the drums on this? Sounds pretty good. Nice and clean." - Chris H