Teacher and the Rockbots SCIENCE Lyrics
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Animals Belong In Class - music sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Animals belong in a class
But not because they get bad grades
Animal classes are groups of critters
Alike in important ways
We are going to give you clues
So you can figure out
Which of the six main animal classes
That we're talking about
The first class of animals is covered with hair
And they live almost anywhere
They've got warm blood and their babies drink milk
And they sweat when it's hot out there
What is the animal, animal class? __________________
The next class is lumped together
Because their bodies are covered with feathers
Their babies are hatched from hard-shelled eggs
And some migrate with the weather
What is the animal, animal class? __________________
To breathe under water with gills
Is a pretty impressive skill
Fins and scales and powerful tails
Make ocean living ideal
What is the animal, animal class? __________________
The critters with scaly skin
Are cold-blooded and born on land
Snakes and turtles and crocodiles
Lay eggs like the rest of them
What is the animal, animal class? __________________
These guys are born in the water
And at first they breathe like a fish
When they grow up their gills become lungs
And they can live on land if they wish
What is the animal, animal class? __________________
Spiders, insects and crabs all have
Segmented bodies, big and small
Jointed legs and an exoskeleton
This class is the biggest of all
What is the animal, animal class? __________________
Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles
Amphibians, Arthropods
Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles
Amphibians, Arthropods
Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles
Amphibians, Arthropods
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Where Will I Go? - music sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
I was born on a tree; that's where I'd like to be
A shiny red apple on a farm
But the farmer could see how yummy I would be
So he sent me to the store with a hundred just like me
Where will I go? Where will I go? A healthy red apple, I don't know
Where will I go? Where will I go? Then somebody bought me at the store
When I heard a hungry face say they'd like to have a taste
I didn't know what would come of me
Picked me up, took a bite, I got squeezed very tight
Juices started flowing out of me
Where will I go? Where will I go?
Where will I go? Where will I go? I don't know
Teeth biting me apart
Saliva breaks me down
Tongue pushing me around
Where am I? The __________________
It's a muscular tube
Where you swallow your food
Mucus helps me move
Where am I? The __________________
I land in an organ sack
Digestive juices attack
Mixing me into muck
Where am I? The __________________
When you eat healthy food
Nutrients are absorbed
Moving through this tube, dude
Where am I? The __________________
Water is removed
Making solid waste
You wouldn't like the taste
Where am I? The __________________
The trip was very fun
Now my job is done
It's the end of the run
Where am I? The __________________
I started in the mouth, then went down the esophagus
Landed in the stomach alright
Pushed through the small and large intestines
Finished in the rectum last night
Where did I go? (Now I know), I helped a small child to grow
Where did I go? (Now I know), I helped a small child to grow
Where did I go? (Now I know), I helped a small child to grow
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Food Chain - music sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Don't break the food chain, no, no, no...
Don't pollute in the food chain, no, no, no...
It's the food chain connecting living things you know
Helping plants, animals and people to grow... so
Don't break the food chain by polluting in the food chain.
Every living thing is part of the food chain and there are three main categories... let's go!
The Sun provides the energy for these to grow
They make their own food in case you didn't know
Growing in the ground making vegetables and fruits
Animals and people eat them, even their roots
I know what it is let me tell you, sir... It's a __________________.
They depend on producers for their food
Eating healthy plants and other animals dude
You are one of these and so is your dad
So go eat an apple before it goes bad
I know what it is let me tell you, sir... It's a __________________.
Dead animals and plants disappear in the ground
From microscopic organisms breaking them down
The nutrients from this decomposing matter
Is good for the soil making new plants happier
I know what it is let me tell you, sir... __________________.
Don't break the food chain, no, no, no...
Don't pollute in the food chain, no, no, no...
It's the food chain connecting living things you know
Helping plants, animals and people to grow... so
Don't break the food chain by polluting in the food chain.
Now, let's talk about the three different types of consumers.
What do you call consumers like a rabbit, a grasshopper or a deer that only eat plants and no meat at all...
I know what it is you don't need to tell me more... It's an __________________.
What do you call consumers like a lion, wolf or a seal that only eat animals, nothing that grows on trees...
I know what it is you don't need to tell me more. It's a __________________.
And what do you call consumers like bears, pigs and most people that eat plants and animals...
I know what it is you don't need to tell me more. It's an __________________.
Don't break the food chain, no, no, no...
Don't pollute in the food chain, no, no, no...
It's the food chain connecting living things you know
Helping plants, animals and people to grow... so
Don't break the food chain by polluting in the food chain.
A plant is eaten by a bug and that bug is eaten by a monkey
Just like when a rat is eaten by a snake and then that snake is eaten by an eagle
Or when grass is eaten by a cow and then the cow is eaten by a guy named Bob
(Uh, I'd stay away from that guy named Bob. I think he tried to eat the monkey too!)
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Water Cycle - music sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
The water cycle is the movement of water through the environment... like how it turns into rain and falls down into the rivers, lakes and oceans. Then it rises back up again into the clouds
What is the state of water when it's heated and rises in the air?
It's not a solid or a liquid, it's a gas if you care
What is the word?
I think I know... they're talking about __________________
Water cycle, water cycle, water cycle
Water cycle, water cycle, water cycle
What is the state of water when it changes from a gas into a liquid?
Like drops in a cloud or underneath a cup with a lid
What is the word?
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know... it's __________________
Water cycle, water cycle, water cycle
Water cycle, water cycle, water cycle
What is the state of water when it's falling down from the sky?
We see it as rain or snow if you're wondering why
What is the word?
I think I know... I'm getting wet with __________________
Water cycle, water cycle, water cycle
Water cycle, water cycle, water cycle
Evaporation, condensation, precipitation (water cycle)
Evaporation, condensation, precipitation (water cycle)
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Simple Machines - music sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
These simple machines share a plan of attack:
A broom, a crowbar, a baseball bat
And so does a hammer when it's pounding a tack
And the fork in your hand when you're having a snack
Tell me the name of this machine
The one that gives me so much leverage?
It's a __________________
You can ride up a ramp or slide down a slide
Take a trip to the top of a roller coaster ride
You'll be using this tool with every stair that you climb
Go up a ladder, if you're so inclined!
Tell me the name of this machine
The one that makes going uphill easy?
It's an __________________
With an axe or a knife you can split into two
Any number of things that a razor can't do
And a sword's what to choose when you're challenged to duel
You can split, trim or cut with this versatile tool
Tell me the name of this machine
The one that helps split things in two?
It's a __________________
With the twist of a lid I could see right away
That the ridge on the jar is what made the lid stay
And the base of a light bulb has angular ribs
Which thread themselves tight when you twist the bulb in
Tell me the name of this machine
The one that holds things tightly together?
It's a __________________
I know of a tool that you're going to like
If you skate on a board or pedal your bike
Using it turns heavy loads into light
It's a well-rounded worker, a handy device
Tell me the name of this machine
The one that moves weight so easily?
It's a __________________
Changing direction of force can be done
When it's over a wheel with a rope you run
That's why when you want to take a flag to the sky
You pull down to go up; this invention is why
Tell me the name of this machine
The one that helps hoist things overhead?
It's a __________________
Inclined plane, wedge or lever
Simple machines make work much faster
Wheel and axle, pulley and screw
Simple machines speed things up for you
Simple machines.... Wedge or lever
Simple machines.... Inclined plane
Simple machines.... Wheel and axle
Simple machines.... Pulley or screw
Simple machines.... Wedge or lever
Simple machines.... Inclined plane
Simple machines.... Wheel and axle
Simple machines.... Pulley or screw
(You know, you just can't push a pulley!)
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Electricity - music sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Robot: What has no color, weight or smell, and is all around us?
Electricity, electricity
Iron, steel or nickel, it's made with one of these
Makes the dial of a compass point North with ease
It has two poles: positive and negative
The Earth is one too and they're everywhere we live
Teacher: It's a __________________. You can find one in a speaker.
Electrons and ions attract and repel
Positively shocking; the negative's a yell (yow!)
Chemicals can do the same in a battery
The world is a better place with this discovery
Teacher: It's an __________________!
The electric company uses this machine
Powered by coal or other source of energy
Moving wires and magnets in a big way
Supply electric current every single day
Teacher: It's a __________________!
Robot: Let's review
The natural force of a magnet is free,
But how does this metal make electricity?
Wrap wires around it move it with a machine,
This can generate electricity!
Did you know that your brain and muscles need a very small amount of electricity to work?
Robot: I need electricity too!
But be careful with the large amounts of electricity around your house
Robot: It will cook your goose!
He flew a kite with a metal key in 1752
He was interested in what lightning could do
Inventor of the lightning rod, a safety device
Protecting people from electric shock was very nice
Teacher: Thank goodness for __________________.
A famous inventor that made a better light
A bulb with carbon filament that burned nice and bright
He designed a power system first used in New York City
Electric wires into homes, a brand new industry
Teacher: He also invented the phonograph... it's __________________.
It starts to flow when you switch on a light
If the circuit's path is closed and wired up right
It passes through conductors like metal or water
But not through plastic or another insulator
Teacher: That's an __________________... I don't want that in my body.
Robot: Let's review again
Electricity - Ben Franklin and a kite
Electricity - Thomas Edison and a light
Electricity - you need to treat it right
Electricity - a shock with a killer bite
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Scientific Method - music sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Teacher: Ok, class, today we're going to demonstrate the scientific method.
Robot: I enjoy the scientific method
Teacher: To help make it easier to understand, last year's science fair winner, Johnny Gassenwhiffer, will go through all 7 steps of the scientific method with me.
Robot: Step one... __________________
Teacher: So, Johnny, what was the problem you wanted to answer?
Johnny: Uh, why did my living room smell so bad?
Robot: Step two... __________________
Teacher: What observations did you make about that smelly room, Johnny?
Johnny: Well, Uncle Bill and his dog Beans were in the room.
Robot: Step three... __________________
Teacher: Your hypothesis is a likely explanation of the problem. What did you think the problem was, Johnny?
Johnny: It smelled like somebody farted!
Robot: Step four... __________________
Teacher: To test your hypothesis, you have to set up your experiment so that it has only one variable. That way, you can be fairly sure that the changes you observe are caused by that variable. You should also set up a control, which is a different setup that does not have the variable you're testing. So Johnny, how did you set up your experiment?
Johnny: Well, I first smelled the room when Uncle Bill was alone and then I smelled the room when Uncle Bill and Beans were together in the room and then I smelled the room when Beans was alone.
Robot: Step five... __________________
Teacher: Data is the information from your experiment that you can use to make conclusions. What data did you collect, Johnny?
Johnny: Well, sometimes when Uncle Bill and Beans were together, the room smelled terrible and sometimes when Uncle Bill was alone, the room still smelled bad and when Beans was alone, the room never was never stinky!
Robot: Step six... __________________
Teacher: So mister Johnny Gassenwhiffer, what do you suppose that information means?
Johnny: Uh, uh, the room was smelly only when Uncle Bill was around.
Robot: Step seven... __________________
Teacher: So, does your data support your hypothesis?
Johnny: Oh, yeah. Uncle Bill can cut a really mean fart!
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Complicated Machine - music sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
It's a complicated machine
The organs in your body
They don't run on batteries and they don't run on gas
If you treat them well they will last and last... a long time!
It's a tissue where you do all your thinking
It helps you figure out when something's stinking
No, it's not your nose but it's very close
All your body is under its control
I think it's my __________________!
Put your hand on your chest you can feel it thumping
Moving blood it's always pumping
Beats 100,000 times in one day
When you're asleep and when you're awake
Sounds like the __________________ to me!
You've got 2 of them, yes you do
It's an optical lens that you look through
They come in green and brown and blue
Sometimes glasses improve their view
Wow, my __________________ are an organ!
It's a complicated machine
The organs in your body
They don't run on batteries and they don't run on gas
If you treat them well they will last and last... a long time!
It doesn't matter if you use your mouth or nose
When you take a deep breath, it's where the air goes
Transfer oxygen from the air to your blood
Don't give them smoke cause you'll fill them with crud
Cough, cough. Oh, my __________________!
Do you hear what I hear?
Did you know that they help you keep your balance?
Do you hear what I hear?
Did you know they keep growing your whole life?
That's a lot of work for __________________!
By removing liquid waste they keep your blood clean
There are two of them kind of shaped like a bean
They're part of a system called urinary
You know they're doing their job when you have to go pee!
Beans, huh? Oh, oh, it's __________________!
It's a complicated machine
The organs in your body
They don't run on batteries and they don't run on gas
If you treat them well they will last and last... a long time!
It performs over 500 chemical functions
Filtering your blood to remove pollution
Removing poisons it protects your body
Warning: Too much alcohol will make it go rotty
Wow, the __________________ is pretty important!
It's for storage and disposal of your liquid waste
You fill it up and empty it several times a day
An expanding, muscle sac with 13 ounces of space
When you feel it getting full you need to go right away
Uh, can I get a hall pass? I think my __________________ needs to go to the bathroom!
It's the sac attached to your esophagus tube
Full of digestive juices that help to break down your food
You might hear it rumble when you're hungry for cake
But don't feed it too much unless you want it to ache
(Puke) Sounds like an upset __________________ to me!
It's a complicated machine
It's a complicated machine
It's a complicated machine
It's a complicated machine
It's a complicated machine
It's a complicated machine
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Eight Planets - music sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
REMIXED IN SEPT. 2007 TO REMOVE PLUTO - Download the new "Eight Planets" now! Eight planets, eight planets,
Eight planets can you name them all?
Eight planets, eight planets,
Spinning round the Sun, shaped like a ball.
On planet number one
You'll be the closest to the Sun
Too hot for an atmosphere
Has only 88 days in a year
Can you name the planet?
It's almost 1000 degrees hot in the day
And 200 below zero at night
What's a guy supposed to wear on __________________?
When you hear of the "Evening Star"
Our sister planet that's not too far
2nd from the Sun reflecting light
That's why it's so bright
Can you name the planet?
Some people call it Earth's twin
because it's about the same size
You don't have to be a genius to know I'm talking about __________________.
Third from the Sun
Count the moons, there's only one
It's the home of living things
Fish, birds and human beings
Can you name the planet?
C'mon, now. Everybody's got to get this.
You've got to get this. You've just got to get this!
It's __________________.
Eight planets, eight planets,
Eight planets can you name them all?
Eight planets, eight planets,
Spinning round the Sun, shaped like a ball.
It's called the "Red Planet"
In 1976 two spacecraft landed on it
It might have supported life
When they found frozen water and dry ice
Can you name the planet?
Galileo first discovered it in 1610
Over 360 years later, Mariner landed on __________________.
It's the largest of them all
There's a "Great Red Spot" on this huge gas ball
12 years to orbit the Sun
More than 24 moons, why do we only have one?
Can you name the planet?
You know, a day only lasts 10 hours on our 5th planet
That means you could go to school twice a day, if you lived on __________________
It's the 2nd largest planet
It's known for the rings around it
They're made of rock and ice
It's much colder than earth, no chance for life
Can you name the planet?
Those rings look like a big hoola-hoop
It must be fun to be __________________
Eight planets, eight planets,
Eight planets can you name them all?
Eight planets, eight planets,
Spinning round the Sun, shaped like a ball.
There's a blue and green ball of gas
It also has rings, floating round it's mass
Moons both large and small
A rocky center in this ball
Can you name the planet?
It's named after the Greek god of the heavens
You're kidding me; it's really called __________________?
Takes one hundred sixty four years
To orbit the Sun... what a wait!
3 billion miles from the earth
From the Sun it's number eight
Can you name the planet?
Well, it's so far away that we don't know much about it
But we do know that it has two moons
And the answer is __________________.
Eight planets, eight planets,
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
The first 4 planets you need to know
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
There used to be a planet called __________________.
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Things in Space - music sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
REMIXED IN SEPT. 2007 TO CHANGE 9 PLANETS TO 8 PLANETS - Download the new "Things In Space" now! The Sun and Stars and Asteroids
Are some of the things that fill the void of space
There's a lot going on out in space
There is cosmic debris and junk in space
We'll give you clues and test your knowledge base of space
There's a lot going on out in space
It's the center of our solar system
It's a typical star
27 million degrees can keep us warm from really, really far
What is it?
You know, it has more mass than every other object in our solar system...combined!
It's the __________________
You see it in the sky at night
When it's full it shines
Astronauts stepped on it the first time back in 1969 (July 20,)
What is it?
It doesn't actually shine; it only reflects light from the Sun
Understanding that concept will be one small step for Man
And one giant leap for teachers
Did you guess the __________________?
Sometimes the orbit of the moon
Comes between the Earth and Sun, yeah
And the shadow from the moon makes it dark in the middle of the day
What is it?
Well, that's called a __________________ and if it goes completely dark, then it's called a TOTAL ECLIPSE...duh!
The Sun and Stars and Asteroids
Are some of the things that fill the void of space
There's a lot going on out in space
There are 8 in our solar system
Made of rock or gas
They orbit the Sun and as far as we know, there's only life on one
What is it?
Astronomers have found over 100 more in other galaxies
It's __________________.
Millions in the night sky
Our Sun is one of these
Some constellation patterns that they make are called "Big Dipper" and "Hercules"
What is it?
Twinkle, twinkle little __________________.
When an object is in orbit around a planet or the Sun
Be it natural or man-made, it's the same name for either one
They're used for spying, TV signals and communication
What is it?
Does 17,000 miles an hour sound fast?
That's how fast thousands of __________________ are orbiting the Earth
The Sun and Stars and Asteroids
Are some of the things that fill the void of space
There's a lot going on out in space
There is cosmic debris and junk in space
We'll give you clues and test your knowledge base of space
There's a lot going on out in space
Rock and metal objects
Between Jupiter and Mars
You wouldn't call them planets; they're more like a belt out in the stars
What is it?
Sometimes they're called the minor planets since some of the pieces are kind of big
But we call these chunks __________________.
An elliptical orbit
Swings them close to the Sun
It has a fiery long tail, when it passes the Earth you can easily see one
(Haley's, Hail-Bopp and Kohoutek are the most famous)
What is it?
A fiery long tale...it's a __________________.
When an asteroid headed toward Earth hits the atmosphere
It catches on fire and makes a streak of light, yeah
As a group it's called a shower, but alone it's a shooting star
What is it?
If it comes all of the way to Earth, it leaves a big 'ol crater
It's called a __________________.
The Sun and Stars and Asteroids
Are some of the things that fill the void of space
There's a lot going on out in space
There's a lot going on out in space
There's a lot going on out in space
There's a lot going on out in space
Call the government!
I think I see a UFO.
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Lemonade Stand in the Jungle - music sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
How much lemonade can the animals drink?
At the lemonade stand in the crazy jungle
Pint, cup, tablespoon, teaspoon
You will learn the difference soon
Cuz a monkey drinks more than a mouse
In the jungle.
The Sun came up and the jungle was getting hot
A mouse knew a teaspoon of lemonade would hit the spot
Then a toad hopped by and croaked a tune
"I'm bigger than a mouse; I can drink a tablespoon"
Three teaspoons to make a __________________... in the jungle
The mouse and the toad were sitting on a piece of wood
And the little bit of lemonade was tasting very good
Then a toucan flew by and said, "What's up?"
"I need a lot more may I please have a cup"
16 tablespoons to make one __________________
3 teaspoons to make a __________________... in the jungle
But the day was young and there was more to drink
Wasting lemonade would really, really stink
Then a monkey dropped in from out of sight
"I'm twice as big and I need a pint."
It takes 2 cups to make one __________________
16 tablespoons to make one __________________
3 teaspoons to make a __________________... in the jungle
How much lemonade can the animals drink?
At the lemonade stand in the crazy jungle
Barrel, gallon, quart and pint
They all want a different size
Cause a hippo drinks more than a mouse
In the jungle.
Well after the monkey had ordered himself one pint
A growl from the bushes gave him quite a fright
A tiger jumped through and said with a snort
"I'm twice as big and I can drink a quart"
Cuz it takes 2 pints to make one __________________,
Takes 2 cups to make one __________________,
16 tablespoons to make one __________________,
3 teaspoons to make a __________________... in the jungle
While the monkey hanged in a tree with his pint (which had spilled)
And the tiger enjoyed his quart, which didn't seem right
A hippo came by whose name was Allan
"I'm 4 times as big and can drink a gallon"
Cuz it takes 4 quarts to make one __________________,
Takes 2 pints to make one __________________,
Takes 2 cups to make one __________________,
16 tablespoons to make one __________________,
3 teaspoons to make a __________________... in the jungle
A monkey with a pint and a tiger with a quart, what a sight!
And hippo with a gallon and a sound coming from the right
Here comes the elephant, his name is Darrel
"I'm really thirsty, please give me a barrel"
That's 42 gallons to make one __________________,
Takes 4 quarts to make one __________________,
Takes 2 pints to make one __________________,
Takes 2 cups to make one __________________,
16 tablespoons to make one __________________,
3 teaspoons to make a __________________... in the jungle, or the city, or the desert or the moon.
Hey, Mr. Elephant, how many teaspoons are there in a barrel?
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Light - music sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Beautiful colors like red, orange and yellow
Fading to green, blue, violet and indigo
Are the colors we see in a rainbow
What can it be?
That's the visible __________________
When a prism breaks white light, what do you see?
Every ray has its own amount of energy and
Animals don't all see the same ones that we see
What can it be?
When light is reflected back, you see __________________
Flashlight, car headlight, the Sun burning bright
Light bulb in a night-light keeps the monsters out of sight
What can it be?
It's a __________________
Light, is all around... all around me
Light, don't turn them off... keep them on please
Light, keeps the boogieman... boogieman away from me
(And me, too!)
Highly amplified light with amazing power
Reading prices at checkout lines and
doctors use it to operate on your eyes
What can it be?
It's a __________________
Transparent or translucent objects let this narrow beam pass through and shine
Opaque objects like a wall or a door will block this beam every time
What can it be?
It's called a __________________
Eyeglasses, microscopes, even cameras and both of your eyes
Have a convex shape that bends light in ways to sharpen focus and magnify
What can it be?
We call it a __________________
Light, is all around... all around me
Light, don't turn them off... keep them on please
Light, keeps the boogieman... boogieman away
Light, is all around... all around me
Light, don't turn them off... keep them on please
Light, keeps the boogieman... boogieman away from me
(Don't look under your bed....)
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How's The Weather? - music sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Because the Earth is wet, spinning and windy
The weather changes wherever you go
Some places are hot; some places there's snow
What makes a beautiful sunset in the sky?
[robot] What about a rainbow?
Grandmother wanted to come for a visit and wanted to know if the weather was nice.
I told her the Sun had heated the ground causing the warm air to rise.
The air formed into drops of water around million pieces of dirt and dust
They formed into different shapes with names like Stratus, Cumulus and Cirrus.
[Grandma] How is the weather, honey?
It's very __________________, Granny.
[Grandma] I'll stay home.
Grandmother wanted to come for a visit and wanted to know if it was worth it.
I told her that air moves from colder places to warmer climates on the planet Earth.
This is good when you're in a boat and use this force to sail away
As the Earth spins, air changes directions causing the weather to change every day.
[Grandma] How's the weather, honey?
It is very __________________, Granny.
[Grandma] I think I'll stay home.
Grandmother wanted to try again but wondered if it would be a safe ride
I told her that cumulonimbus clouds are forming and its getting dark outside
Positive and negative electrical charges are now being equalized
Flashes of light and energy... I hear a bang; I run inside.
[Grandma] How's the weather, honey?
There is __________________, Granny
[Grandma] I think I'll stay home.
Grandmother wanted to come for a visit and wanted to know if the weather was dry
I asked her if she knew the word coalescence - she said "no" and then asked "why?"
Water vapor in the clouds are getting bigger and a lot more heavy
When it falls down to the ground, if there is too much, it could break a levee.
[Grandma] How's the weather, honey?
It is very __________________, Granny
[Grandma] I think I'll stay home.
Grandmother needed a place to go. She was sitting at home and very bored.
I told her that clouds in the Winter sky have water that's freezing and being stored
Little crystals are starting to form and getting heavy and ready to fall
Each shape is very different but there are always six sides in all
[Grandma] How's the weather, honey?
It is very __________________, Granny.
[Grandma] Is school closed today?
Grandmother couldn't wait anymore she was calling to see if the weather was right
I told her that we are lucky that earth receives the right amount of heat and light
From a huge burning sphere of gas in space that has an effect all over this place
It's nice to have a change of weather, but grandma will love the shine on her face.
[Grandma] How's the weather, honey?
It is very __________________, Granny
[Grandma] I'll be there tomorrow!
Because the Earth is wet, spinning and windy
The weather changes wherever you go
Some places are hot; some places there's snow
What makes a beautiful sunset in the sky?
[robot] What about a rainbow?
Rainbows are caused when sunlight passes through raindrops, which split the light into different colors... like a prism. And did you know that red is always on top?
And the beautiful colors of a sunset are caused by sunlight passing through particles of dust and gas. Since the sun is farther away this time of day, only certain colors appear because they have longer wavelengths.
It is very __________________, Granny!
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