Teacher and the Rockbots WORLD Lyrics
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Continents - Song Sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Seven continents connect the People of the World
Seven continents connect the People of the World
The largest continent is where
The world's tallest mountain reaches into the air.
One out of every four people in the world live there.
It's the home of the panda bear.
Can you name the continent?
The highest point is Mt. Everest... that's in _____________
The 2nd largest continent has tigers and elephants.
The world's longest river flows past the pyramids.
Sahara desert gets so hot
Some years it doesn't rain one drop.
Can you name the continent?
The Egyptian pyramids, are in _____________
Seven continents connect the People of the World
On the 3rd largest continent you'll get
To see landforms you won't forget.
Like the Rocky Mountains or 5 great lakes;
The Grand Canyon with its eagles and rattlesnakes.
Can you name the continent?
It includes Mexico and Canada. It's _____________
The rainiest place in the world is here;
Gets more than 22 feet of rain in a year.
The Andes Mountains run all the way from North to South.
Piranhas in the Amazon would like to put you in their mouth!
Can you name the continent?
It's _____________, I'll bet.
It's so cold everywhere you go.
Penguins wish they had a coat.
Ice and snow! Ice and snow!
That's _____________. Only scientists go there.
Seven continents connect the People of the World
Many small countries form this 2nd smallest continent.
The Rhine and Thames and Danube rivers run through it.
Spain, Greece, France and Italy
Surround the Mediterranean Sea.
Can you name the continent?
The "Euro" is their common currency. It's _____________
Koala bears in eucalyptus trees live on the
Smallest continent, surrounded by seas.
Hopping around are kangaroos and wallabies.
It's native people are called Aborigines
Can you name the continent?
Some people call it Oceania. It's _____________
Seven continents connect the People of the World
Seven continents connect the People of the World
Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa
North and South America, Antarctica
Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa
North and South America, Antarctica
Seven continents connect the People of the World
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How To Read A Map - Song Sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
I'm lost.
What should I do?
You need a map.
I need a clue.
Flower shape - easy to see,
Letters N, W, S and E.
Why does this help and tell me now what does it mean?
It's a _____________.
The compass rose shows North, South, East and West.
North and South - well now I know,
East and West - which way they go.
What do you call these four main directions?
The _____________.
Intermediate directions would be northeast, southeast and so on.
How far is it from here to there?
Can we measure distance to anywhere?
The map size is smaller than the real world.
Look for the _____________.
The scale is like a little ruler that helps you measure distances between places.
A little lost.
I'm getting clues.
From a map.
That I got from you.
Dots, triangles, colors and many lines;
What do all these things define?
I see a tiny airplane and what is this star?
These are _____________.
An airplane shows the airport; a star is a Capital city.
How did you know what the symbols are
When you're driving around like in a car?
Can you find it on the map and where will it be?
Use the _____________.
The map key tells you what the symbols mean.
This map doesn't show the entire place.
I know that it's part of a bigger space.
Could it be from England, Iraq or Mexico?
Look for the _____________.
The inset is a small map that's a more detailed view of part of the main map.
I was lost.
But I learned something new
How to read a map.
And I thank you
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Globe - Song Sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
The Earth is a tiny ball in space.
It's the only place that we know has a human race.
It's the only place...
There is land on the surface of the globe
Seven sections of land on the globe
What are they called?
Those are the _____________.
North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica.
There is a lot of water on the globe
Covering three fourths of the globe
What is it called?
It's the _____________.
The ocean is divided into the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Southern oceans.
There is a top point on the globe
There is a bottom point on the globe
What are they called?
The _____________ and _____________
The North Pole is in the Arctic Ocean and the South Pole is on Antarctica.
What is the line that circles the globe;
An imaginary line that divides the globe?
What is it called?
It's called the _____________.
The equator lies halfway between the North and South Poles.
Another line that circles the globe?
It divides the east and west parts of the globe.
What is it called?
That's the _____________.
The Prime Meridian is perpendicular to the Equator and crosses through the North and South Poles.
If you divide the globe in two parts.
And can only see half of the globe,
What is it called?
It's called a _____________.
"Hemi" is Greek for "half" and a sphere is any round object... like a planet. Therefore, "half planet."
The Earth is a tiny ball in space.
It's the only place that we know has a human race.
It's the only place...
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One World (Take Care Of It) - Song Sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
What do you call it when man and machine dig the earth?
(Coal, copper, iron)
Digging up too much land destroys trees and plants in the dirt.
(But useful minerals are under ground)
When the work gets done, restoring should be number one.
That's _____________, and it has to be done responsibly.
What do you call it when man and machine plant the earth?
(Mankind depends on growing plants)
Pesticides are chemicals that can make other things worse.
(But they help protect crops)
If we use all of the land, nothing left but dirt and sand!
Did you guess that we're talking about _____________?
There is only one world.
Everybody's sharing it.
Everybody needs to care
About the water, land and air.
What do you call it when man and machine hurt the earth?
(Factories make things we need)
Deadly chemicals misused can really hurt.
(Acid rain and ozone depletion)
Spilling oil in the sea, black smoke from a factory
Can you tell that we're talking about _____________?
What do you call it when we reuse what we buy?
(Garbage landfills are getting full)
Many things can be saved and re-used if we try.
(Like cans, bottles and paper)
If you don't, you need to start. Everyone can play their part.
_____________ is a good idea!
There is only one world, one world (repeat)
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Cities, States, Countries & Continents - Song Sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Announcer: "When discussing cities, states, countries and continents, one must remember that many countries do not use the word 'state.' Instead, they say province, commonwealth, federal state or district. We thought you should know."
Cities, States, Countries and Continents
Do you know the difference?
Cities, States, Countries and Continents
I need an explanation that makes sense
A _____________ is a place full of neighborhoods
With lots of people sharing similar goods
Like roads and parks and zoos and more;
It's the place with people right next door.
A _____________ is formed when lots of people like you
Live close to people like me!
A city is the place that you can see
When you're walking home from school with me.
If you've had a chance to travel, you'll know
That there are many other cities right down the road.
If you rounded them up and put them in the same place,
The group is called a _____________.
A _____________ is a large collection of cities
Just like the one you're from.
A state is the place where cities live.
It's the place a city calls its home.
If you're really adventurous, you could visit each state.
It will take you some time since the distance is great.
As you visit them all, I think that you'll agree;
Together they'd make a _____________.
A _____________ is formed when a group of states
Band together as mates.
A country is a place where states all live.
It's big enough; it has the space.
There are one hundred ninety countries, or more
And they each have another country next door.
If you stick them together with some kind of cement,
The group would make a _____________.
A _____________ is the biggest place that
You or me can ever be from.
A continent's the biggest piece of land.
It's the place that countries call home.
Cities, States, Countries and Continents
What city do you call home?
Cities, States, Countries and Continents
In what state were you born?
Cities, States, Countries and Continents
What country does your family come from?
Cities, States, Countries and Continents
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Supply & Demand (Economics) - Song Sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Will the world still spin without money
Or does a country need their economy?
If it does, what can a country do
To supply the demands of the world and you?
Producers needs to make what consumers want to take
With money from a job that people make.
Imports will come in and exports will go out
And that's what economics is all about. Let's shout, "economy!"
To provide something for the world to buy
Is what this concept tries to satisfy.
It's one of the factors that determines price.
When it's high, things cost less, which is oh so nice.
Can you guess the economic word we mean? _____________
There are many things that people want
Like clothes or food from a restaurant.
When the price is low, activity gets high
With people buying more from available supply.
Can you guess the economic word we mean? _____________
Teacher: Companies supply the products and services that the world demands.
Crash: I demand that you supply more information.
Before a consumer can buy a thing
Like a shirt or candy or a diamond ring,
Someone has to make that thing to sell.
It can be a product or service done well.
Can you guess the economic word we mean? _____________
Most people in the world are considered this.
The busy ones like to make a shopping list.
Stores are where they like to go.
When they buy a lot, the economy can grow.
Can you guess the economic word we mean? _____________
Teacher: Consumers consume things that producers make.
Crash: Please produce more information for us to consume.
Where was your favorite toy made?
Maybe it was built from foreign trade.
A company doesn't always make things alone.
Sometimes they buy from another time zone.
Can you guess the economic word we mean? _____________
If a company has something the world would like,
Maybe fruits or rice or a really cool bike,
That company would be smart to start doing this
Or the chance to make money it will miss.
Can you guess the economic word we mean? _____________
Teacher: Imports are items that you get from another country. Exports are the opposite.
Crash: Did you import the information we have exported in this song?
Will the world still spin without money
or does a country need their economy?
If it does, what can a country do
To supply the demands of the world and you?
Producers needs to make what consumers want to take
With money from a job that people make.
Imports will come in and exports will go out
And that's what economics is all about. Let's shout, "economy!"
Check out the economy
Figure out the economy
How is the economy?
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People - Song Sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Who were the ancestors you never knew?
What customs and cultures did they give to you?
Immigrants still bring their heritage from far.
Ethnic traits that define who you are.
Definition: The beliefs of a racial, religious, or social group. The ways they behave or express themselves through art, speech or things they own.
It's nice to see different colors and faces. It's nice to have...
v from different places.
Definition: A habit used by people of a certain group or region. For example, in some countries, people greet each other with a kiss on both cheeks.
It's nice to see different colors and faces. It's nice to have _____________ from different places.
I'm so glad that people are not the same.
Life would be boring yeah, a cryin' shame.
Definition: The people in your family that lived long, long ago. For example, your grandparents' grandparents' grandparents. Who were these people?
It's nice to see different colors and faces. It's nice to have _____________ from different places.
Definition: A person who leaves the country where they were born to live in another country. People sometimes do this when their country is no longer safe.
It's nice to see different colors and faces. It's nice to have _____________ from different places.
I'm so glad that people are not the same.
Life would be boring yeah, a cryin' shame.
Definition: Something passed down from one generation to the next; a tradition in your family or country; like the way people celebrate certain holidays.
It's nice to see different colors and faces. It's nice to have _____________ from different places.
Definition: A group of people sharing common and distinctive things like race, nationality, religion, language, or cultural heritage.
It's nice to see different colors and faces. It's nice to have _____________ from different places.
I'm so glad that people are not the same.
Life would be boring yeah, a cryin' shame.
Who were the ancestors you never knew?
What customs and cultures did they give to you?
Immigrants still bring their heritage from far.
Ethnic traits that define who you are.
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Oceans - Song Sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Water, Ocean Water, Water, Ocean Water, (repeat)
Water all around, more water than land
Waves never stop crashing on the sand... Water!
Let's play hide and seek and look for an ocean.
The biggest one lies between America and Asia.
Marianas Trench is the deepest spot;
7 miles from the bottom to the top.
Magellan picked its name because it's peaceful, you know.
Whales swimming in it off the coast of Mexico.
Peaceful...that must be the _____________ ocean!
See if you can name the 2nd ocean.
Northern currents keep it in a constant motion.
Lobsters off the coast of Maine are swimming here.
South America and Africa are near.
Columbus sailed across it all the way from Spain.
Do you know this ocean can you tell me its name!
Good thing Columbus wasn't on the Titanic. It sank in the _____________
See if you can name this far away ocean.
It was the European's ocean route to Asia.
Vasco De Gamma used to take a boat ride
Around the tip of Africa to the other side.
It's how the Europeans got their silk and spice,
If their boats didn't sink from a Monsoon strike.
The heavy rains from a monsoon are in India. It's the _____________ ocean!
Here comes another ocean for you to know;
Frozen most of the year at the North Pole.
A walrus and a seal and a penguin in sight;
Winter's always dark, summer's always light.
Icebergs aren't much fun for ships.
Those gigantic ice cubes make the temperature dip.
Well, if it's not the _____________ ocean, I don't know what it would be!
You know in the year 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization decided to
name a 5th new ocean. It's called the _____________ ocean and it surrounds Antarctica.
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Habitats - Song Sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Where would you live if you were a cat?
Would it be in a cave, would you live like a bat?
I'm pretty sure most cats would have none of that.
That's not the right habitat for a cat.
A habitat's the natural neighborhood where plants and animals get water and food. And a cat would find some of these places no good. We will describe places where you can put your cat. Can you guess the habitat?
In this habitat it gets hot in the day
So dawn or at dusk is when creatures can play
The animals that live here never see much rain
Some get water from cactus, which can be quite a pain
What kind of habitat is that?
That's what it's like in the _____________
Thick fur and feathers or layers of fat
Are needed in this long, winter habitat.
Short, compact animals are the kind that are found
And the few plants that grow stay close to the ground.
What kind of habitat is that?
It's cold and harsh in the _____________
This habitat stretches into the sky
And there's not much oxygen when you get up high.
The climate can be different on the opposite side
And the top can be snowy while the base is dry.
What kind of habitat is that?
Is it the right habitat for a cat?
Only if she likes the _____________
Medicines, rubber, chocolate and more
Come from this warm, wet climate with species galore.
Emergent, canopy, understory and floor
Are layers that make up this habitat's core.
What kind of habitat is that?
It sounds like the _____________ _____________
This habitat goes through the change of 4 seasons
So adaptable animals live in this region.
Logging and housing are the primary reasons
It is being chopped down; re-growth can take eons.
What kind of habitat is that?
This is the _____________ _____________
The next habitat has a surface and floor,
A dark, deep middle where the light is no more.
Food always trickles down from the top to below
It's the biggest and wettest that you'll ever know.
What kind of habitat is that?
No cat wants to live in the _____________
It rains pretty hard in this place twice a year.
With few trees around, plants grow fast in the clear.
It attracts grazing animals that walk on all fours.
There's plenty to eat for these large herbivores.
What kind of habitat is that?
Is it the right habitat for a cat?
Only if she likes the _____________
So where would you like to put your cat?
What is the right kind of habitat?
What habitat is a lap?
That's mostly where I find my cat!
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Food - Song Sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Food comes in all different shapes,
Different sizes and different colors.
People eat food with different tastes.
You should try them!
...Because there's more to life than hamburgers and hot dogs.
Chimichangas, tacos and burritos;
Their word for sausage is "chorizo."
From an avocado, they make guacamole.
Rice is "arroz" and beans "frijoles."
What kind of restaurant makes this food? _____________
Chicken chow mein and crab Rangoon,
Fortune cookies and flat soupspoon.
Eating rice with chopsticks isn't very fun.
A small meal with tea is called "dim sum."
What kind of restaurant makes this food? _____________
Filet Mignon, crepes and souffle,
Chocolate mousse and peaches flambe.
Breads and pastries that dazzle the eye;
Did they really invent the fry?
What kind of restaurant makes this food? _____________
...Because there's more to life than French fries and tater tots.
Ravioli, Fettuccine and Lasagna
Rich tomato sauces with Parmigiana
Cannelloni, Rigatoni, Tortellini
Ziti, macaroni and of course, spaghetti.
What kind of restaurant makes this food? _____________
Flatbread naan in a tandoor oven bakes.
The cow is sacred, so never order steaks.
Spicy chicken curry over basmati rice;
A yogurt drink called Lassi is very nice.
What kind of restaurant makes this food? _____________
Bratwurst, sauerkraut, onion pie, more!
Bratwurst, sauerkraut, onion pie, more!
Bratwurst, sauerkraut, onion pie, more!
It's time to give something else a try!
What kind of restaurant makes this food? _____________
...Because there's more to life than cheese pizza or grilled cheese or mac and cheese or cheese and crackers or puffy cheese balls. You know, the kind that get stuff all over your hands?
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Landforms - Song Sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
When you look at surface of Earth you'll agree
That landforms are interesting features to see
Almost all involve water to some degree
Or from geological activity.
See if you can figure out these landform riddles:
What kind of landform has a vent at the top,
Spews lava and steam and pieces of rock? _____________
What kind of landform has very steep sides
That were cut by a river's erosion and time? _____________
Going over this landform will make you shiver.
It occurs when there's a sharp drop off in a river. _____________
You get this landform when oceans run dry.
They're broad, flat spaces under the sky. _____________
What kind of landform is the tallest of all
With a spiky top where snow may fall? _____________
What kind of landform always runs downhill
And can be used to turn turbines that power a mill? _____________
Landforms like this are often times found
In the side of a mountain or as a hole in the ground. _____________
What kind of landform is a huge chunk of water
That takes up three-fourths of the Earth, and is salty? _____________
This landform is found at the bottom of mountains
And very tall hills; it's the low land between them. _____________
To get to this landform, a boat you may ride
Since water surrounds it on every side. _____________
Triangle-shaped landforms like this often sit
Near the ocean where a river finally runs into it. _____________
Which type of landform stretches into the tides;
Surrounded by water on three of its sides? _____________
This large body of water is surrounded by land.
It's a great place to fish and swim, if you can. _____________
When the wind and the rain wear a mountain away,
The mound that is left is this landform, they say. _____________
Which type of landform is just one of seven?
It's a really big place split up into nations. _____________
When you look at surface of Earth you'll agree
That landforms are interesting features to see
There are many more out there that you'll want to know
Like mesa and harbor, gulf and plateau,
Fault, fjord and an Archipelago
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Sports Bring The World Together - Song Sample - © 2006 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Can the world get together?
Can the world get together today?
Can the world get together and stop the fights and start more games to play?
Sometimes countries fight with each other, but the power of sports let them compete in a friendlier way. Which sporting events bring people from around the world together?
If you were strong or fast in ancient Greek history,
Then a town called Olympia was the place to be.
In 1896 the modern games restarted in Greece
And now we have games in the summer and games in the winter where the best athletes compete.
Where can you win a gold, silver or bronze medal? _____________
Every four years the world gets together with this event:
The most popular sport in a 32 team tournament.
It started in the country of Uruguay in 1930.
If you're the best you get to be one of eleven for your country.
Where can you win a cup made of solid gold? _____________
Can the world get together?
Can the world get together today?
Can the world get together and stop the fights and start more games to play
Baseball, Formula One racing, Chess, Basketball, Dodge ball, Cricket, Checkers, Tour De France, Kick ball,
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