Robot - Song Sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Do the robot
You are a robot
Do the robot (do it!)
You are a robot
Walk with your legs straight
Don't bend your knees
Walk with your legs straight
Don't bend your knees
Do the robot
You are a robot
Do the robot (do it!)
You are a robot
Move your arms up and down
Spin your body round and round
Move your arms up and down
Spin your body round and round
Do the robot
You are a robot
Do the robot (do it!)
You are a robot
Shake your head left and right
Blink your eyes like a flashing light
Shake your head left and right
Blink your eyes like a flashing light
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Head, Nose, Belly Button, Toes - Song Sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Head, nose, belly button, toes
From the top, to the floor using all of those
Head, nose, belly button, toes
Follow my directions, let's put on a show!
Pat your head
Now tickle your nose
Smell your belly button
Put your finger on your toes
Scratch your head
Now wiggle your nose
Tickle your belly button
Now smell your toes (that's mighty stinky)
Shake your head
Put your finger in your nose (I got a boogie!)
Pat your belly button
Now wiggle your toes
Play the bongos on your head
Now smell your nose (how do you do that?)
Put your finger in your belly button
Tap, tap tap your toes
Head, nose, belly button, toes
From the top, to the floor using all of those
Head, nose, belly button, toes
That's the song, now it's done and that's how it goes.
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Clap And Count - Song Sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
We're gonna clap and count
We're gonna clap and count
The rhythm will come right out
We're gonna clap and count
Now everybody clap with me on 1, 2, 3 and 4
Now everybody clap with me on 1, 2, 3 and 4
1, 2, 3, 4
We're gonna clap and count
We're gonna clap and count
The rhythm will come right out
We're gonna clap and count
Now everybody clap with me, just on 2 and 4
Now everybody clap with me, just on 2 and 4
1, 2, 3, 4
We're gonna clap and count
And we're gonna stomp our feet
We're gonna clap and count
And we're gonna stomp our feet
Now stomp your feet on 1 and 3 and clap on 2 and 4
Now stomp your feet on 1 and 3 and clap on 2 and 4
1, 2, 3, 4
We're gonna clap and count
And we're gonna stomp our feet
We're gonna clap and count
And we're gonna stomp our feet
Here's a cool way to clap and stomp; it makes a funky beat
Here's a cool way to clap and stomp; it makes a funky beat
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Free Form Dance - Song Sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Free form dance!
Move, shake it, move it.
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Morning, Noon and Night - Song Sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Everyday is gonna be alright
With a happy morning, noon and night
Everyday is gonna be alright
With a happy morning, noon and night
Let's pretend to live a day
Move your body to what we say
Are you ready to move and sing
Here we go, it's morning
Here we go, it's morning
Wake up, get out of bed
Put on your clothes, comb the hair on your head
Pour yourself a cup of tea
Eat some toast with grape jelly
Let's pretend to live a day
Move your body to what we say
Are you ready to move to this tune
Here we go, it is noon
Here we go, it's noon
Eat your lunch swallow it down
Go outside and kick a ball around
You're getting tired I think it's best
You go inside and take a rest
Let's pretend to live a day
Move your body to what we say
Are you ready to move and do it right
Here we go, it is night
Here we go, it's night
Dinners ready, it smells so great
Eat up everything on your plate
Brush your teeth and wash your head
Read a book then go to bed
Everyday is gonna be alright
With a happy morning, noon and night
Everyday is gonna be alright
With a happy morning, noon and night
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Pick it up - Song Sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up let's be neat!
Whenever you see garbage at your feet
It doesn't matter who's it is
Just pick it up and throw it in
That thing we call a garbage bin
Pick it up, pick it up, please help clean your room
You can start right now it's really not too soon
You know where your things should go
So put them back and don't be slow
Nothing should be on the floor
Pick up trash and litter
Pick up all your toys and clothes
Pick up all the things that you got out
Don't leave them on the floor
See how fast you can clean
The places you have been
Can you clean them up
Before the song gets to the end?
You missed a spot!
Pick it up, pick it up, please clean up your desk
Work gets lost and wrinkled in that mess
Neater work means better grades
So clean your desk up every day
That will earn you lots of praise
Pick it up, make it clean
Get yourself a new routine
Everybody needs to lend a hand
Is that a peanut butter sandwich under your bed?
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Pretend You're In The Game - Song Sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Dance around, pretend you're in the game
Dance around, pretend you're in the game
Swing the baseball bat
Keep your eye on the ball
Hit a home run
Run around them all
Swing the baseball bat
Swing the baseball bat
Dribble the basketball
Jump up high
Try and score a basket
See the ball fly
Dribble the basketball
Dribble the basketball
Kick the soccer ball
So you can pass it to your mate
Watch them score a goal
It's fun to celebrate
Kick the soccer ball (we call it football)
Kick the soccer ball (it's a football!)
Dance around, pretend you're in the game
Dance around, pretend you're in the game
Swing the hockey stick To hit the little puck
Try and score a goal
I wish you good luck
Swing the hockey stick
Swing the hockey stick
Swing the golf club
Aim for the flag-on-the pole
Will you make par?
Putt it in the hole
Swing the golf club
Swing the golf club
Swing the tennis racket
Hit the ball over the net
Love, 15, 30, 40
6 games win a set
Swing the tennis racket
Swing the tennis racket
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Jump, Walk, Spin - Song Sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Jump! Jump and touch the sky
And jump! Jump and touch the sky
Now walk. Don't Talk.
Baby just walk.
Now spin, spin, spin, spin,
Spin spin around and
Spin, spin, spin, spin,
Now fall on to the ground,
Lay down.
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Stop, Go, Fast, Slow - Song Sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Stop, Go, Fast, Slow
How fast to go man,
How do you know, man?
Stop, Go, Fast, Slow
How fast to go man,
How do you know, man?
Green light, look left and right
You can GO
Highway, racetrack
You're moving FAST
Parking lot, school zone
You'd better drive SLOW
Red light, red sign
You need to STOP
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Clean - Song Sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Clean (Clean!)
Get yourself clean
So clean
You're the dirtiest kid I've ever seen
Clean (Clean!)
Get yourself clean
Squeeky clean
You're the dirtiest kid I've ever seen
You're the dirtiest kid I've ever seen
Wash your hair
Now scrub your face
Don't forget to clean behind your ears
Wash your hair
Now scrub your face
Don't forget to clean behind your ears
Take it down
Scrub your back
Now wash your tummy
Don't forget to clean your belly button
Scrub your back
Now wash your tummy
Don't forget to clean your belly button
Take it down
Scrub your knees, those dirty knees
Don't forget to scrub between your toes
Scrub your knees, those dirty knees
Don't forget to scrub between your toes
Clean (Clean!)
You got yourself clean
So clean
You're the cleanest little kid I've ever seen
Clean (Clean!)
You got yourself clean
So clean
You're the cleanest little kid I've ever seen
You're the cleanest little kid I've ever seen