Rhyming Words - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Rhyming words are words that sound alike
Like Mike and bike and spike
Listen closely to the sound
And when they match, a rhyme you've found
Check this out:
Dog, frog, log
Bake, snake, cake
Try, fly, pie
Now you try
Tell me a word that rhymes with shoe? _____________
Tell me a word that rhymes with tree? _____________
Tell me a word that rhymes with hat? _____________
Poetry has lots of these
You see, it's easy; try with me
Listen closely to the sound
And when they match, a rhyme you've found
Tell me a word that rhymes with smart? _____________
Tell me a word that rhymes with snow? _____________
Tell me a word that rhymes with sugar? _____________
Are you just trying to get me to say "booger?"
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Learning My ABC's - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
A, A, A, A is for _____________ and B, B is for _____________
C, C, C, C is for _____________ and D, D is for_____________
Learning my ABC's is so much fun, a lot of fun
E, E is for _____________ and F, F is for _____________r
G, G is for _____________ and H, H is for _____________
Learning my ABC's is so much fun, a lot of fun
I, I is for _____________ and J, J is for _____________
K, K is for _____________ and L, L is for _____________
Learning my ABC's is so much fun, a lot of fun
M, M, M, M is for _____________ and N, N, N, N is for _____________
O, O, O, O is for _____________ and P, P, P, P is for a _____________
Learning my ABC's is so much fun, mon, a lot of fun
Q, Q, Q is for a _____________; R, R, R is for a _____________
And S, S, S is for the _____________ and T, T, T is for a _____________
Learning my ABC's is so much fun, a lot of fun
U, U is for my _____________; V, V is for my _____________
And W, W is for a _____________ and X, X is for a _____________
Learning those ABC's is so much fun, oow!, a lot of fun!
Y, Y is for _____________o
Z, Z is for _____________
Now that you know all of the letters do them again
That's how you get better
WXY and Z
Learning my ABC's is so much fun, a lot of fun
One more time!
Learning my ABC's is so much fun, a lot of fun
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Five Senses - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
There are five ways to figure out
What something is all about
You've got five senses
There are five ways to figure out
What something is all about
You've got five senses, yeah
See, Touch, Smell, Taste, Hear
You can _____________ a banana
You can _____________ a banana
You can _____________ a banana
You can _____________ a banana
You can _____________ a banana
Hear a banana?
It makes a squishy sound when you eat it!
Your eyes can _____________ a banana
Your hands can _____________ a banana
Your nose can _____________ a banana
Your tongue can _____________ a banana
And your ears can _____________ a banana
You chew louder than anyone I've ever heard!
Sing it with me...
Your eyes can ____
Your hands can ____
Your nose can ____
Your tongue can ____
Your ears can ____
Five senses: See, Touch, Smell, Taste, Hear
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Tongue Twisters - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Tongue twisters give me blisters
Every time I try to say one
I guess my teeth are in the way,
I don't know what can be done
Maybe if I exercise my jaw a little longer
My ability to say tongue twisters will get stronger, yeah
All candy is good, but a sucker's the best
You can lick one for hours and not make a mess
But it takes lots of time and thousands of licks
To eventually suck one right down to the stick
And what are you left with after four, five or six?
The answer is "___________________________"
Repeat after me; it's kind of a trick
Dirty boy Brad liked to soak in the tub
And to wash his back, he had a brush he could rub
It had a big long handle with a really long stroke
And Brad always used it when he'd take a soak
It finally wore out and that's no joke
His bubbly brush eventually broke
Repeat after me, but don't say it too slow
A mote with a drawbridge is one of the ways
That castles are built to (help) keep a king safe
And strange looking statues called gargoyles
They say, will also keep the evil spirits away
They're weird little creatures even if they are royal
You can't even tell if they're a girl or a boy
Repeat after me; this is slippery as oil
A rowboat is powered by muscle and oars
And it takes lots of strength to row shore-to-shore
The crew should be strong like Hercules
And the oars should be made from the strongest of trees
That way when the crew pulls hard on a stroke
If the oars are made of oak, they're not easily broke
Repeat after me before you get on a boat
Tongue twisters give me blisters
Every time I try to say one
I guess my teeth are in the way,
I don't know what can be done
Maybe if I exercise my jaw a little longer
My ability to say tongue twisters will get stronger, yeah
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Days Of The Week - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Sunday, Monday
Tuesday, Wednesday
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Seven! Days in the week
Sunday, Monday
Tuesday, Wednesday
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Seven! Days in the week
If today is Sunday, what is next? __________________
If today is Tuesday, what is next? __________________
If today is Friday, what is next? __________________
Sunday, Monday
Tuesday, Wednesday
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Seven! Days in the week
What day comes before Monday? __________________
What day comes before Wednesday? __________________
What day comes before Saturday? __________________
Sunday... Named for the _________
Monday... Named for the _________
Tuesday... Is for the god of war in ancient times, his name was _________
Wednesday... Is _________ day
Thursday... Was named for _________
Friday... Is a beautiful day named for _________, the goddess of beauty
And Saturday was named for _________
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Parts Of An Insect - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Insects come in every different color, shape and size
Some insects can walk or swim while other ones can fly
As different as they look to us, they all have one connection
The body of an insect has three important sections
The first part of an insect has a mouth and eyes and more;
It also has antennae, which help point the way to go
So if you see antennae, mouth or eyes, just like I said
You'll know for sure you're looking at an insect's _________
An insect's _________, an insect's _________, an insect's _________
The middle of an insect has some interesting facts
It's where a bug's three pairs of legs and wings will be attached
So if you see six legs and sometimes wings up on the back
You'll know for sure you're looking at an insect's _________
An insect's _________, an insect's _________, an insect's _________
The last part of an insect is the biggest part, with ease
Along its sides are little holes, and that's how an insect breathes
It also holds the stomach and other bug parts within
Maybe that's why the name's so long, it's called an _________
An _________, an _________, an _________
Insects come in every different color, shape and size
Some insects can walk or swim while other ones can fly
As different as they look to us, they all have one connection
Now it's time for you to name the three important sections
Which part of an insect has antennae, eyes and mouth? _____________
On which part of an insect are the legs and wings attached? _____________
Which part of an insect has the most parts within? _____________
Those bugs are pretty cool.
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Rhyming With Numbers - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Rhyming with numbers is what we're gonna do
Using stories of learning something new
Rhyming with numbers is what we're gonna do
Using stories of learning something new
Zero, one, two, three was a lot of fun
I grew up fast as my life begun
I'll tell what I learned from year to year
If you're ready to listen and lend me your ear hey, hey
My mommy was my hero - when I was _________
I learned to suck my thumb - when I was _________
I learned not to eat glue - when I was _________
I got stung by a bee - when I was _________
Zero, One, Two, Three
Four, five, six and seven was a lot of fun
I grew up fast and got a lot done
I'll tell what I learned from year to year
If you're ready to listen and lend me your ear hey, hey
I learned to count and more - when I was _________
I learned how to dive - when I was _________
I learned magic tricks - when I was _________
My best friend was Kevin - when I was _________
Four, Five, Six, Seven
Eight, nine, ten, eleven was a lot of fun
I grew up fast and learned a ton
I'll tell what I learned from year to year
If you're ready to listen and lend me your ear hey, hey
I learned not to be late - when I was _________
I learned not to whine - when I was _________
I cleaned a chicken pen - when I was _________
I kissed a boy named Kevin - when I was _________
Eight, nine, ten, eleven
My mommy was my hero when I was _________
I learned to suck my thumb when I was _________
I learned not to eat glue when I was _________
I got stung by a bee when I was _________
I learned to count and more when I was _________
I learned how to dive when I was _________
I learned magic tricks when I was _________
My best friend was Kevin when I was _________
I learned not to be late when I was _________
I learned not to whine when I was _________
I cleaned a chicken pen when I was _________
I kissed a boy named Kevin when I was _________
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Twelve Months - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Learning the names of the months is a skill
January, February, March, April
Listen very closely and you'll hear the whole list
May, June, July, August
Sing along with us and you will remember
September, October, November, December
12 months in the year
Count then with me
12 months in the year
Count and you'll see
____________, number one
And ____________ is number two
____________ is next and it's number three
And ____________ number four
____________ is number five and you know
____________ is number six
____________ is number seven and
____________ is number eight
____________ falls at number nine
____________ is number ten
____________ is number eleven and
____________ is twelve at the end
12 months in the year
Count then with me
12 months in the year
Count and you'll see
Learning the names of the months is a skill
______ , ______, _______, _______,
Listen very closely and you'll hear the whole list
______ , ______, _______, _______,
Sing along with us and you will remember
______ , ______, _______, _______,
Learning the names of the months is a skill
______ , ______, _______, _______,
Listen very closely and you'll hear the whole list
______ , ______, _______, _______,
Sing along with us and you will remember
______ , ______, _______, _______,
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Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
I've got three favorite words for telling time I hope you'll borrow
My favorite words are yesterday, today and tomorrow
Yesterday is what we call the day before today
Almost everyone agrees that it's the word to say
So when you want to tell me what you did before today
I'll bet you'll want to tell me that it happened _________
I'll bet you'll want to tell me that it happened _________
Today is now, the present time, and every moment since
You first woke up and combed your hair and brushed your teeth and rinsed
So if you want to tell me what you're doing now you'll say
I'm doing what I'm doing and I'm doing it __________
I'm doing what I'm doing and I'm doing it __________
Tomorrow is the funny name for the day after today
It's hard to spell and it's way too long, but it's the word that people say
And if you ever dreamed of being a movie star or a football pro
A lot of people's dreams come true, yours may come true ________
A lot of people's dreams come true, yours may come true ________
Telling time is more than learning how to read a clock
There are other ways to tell when something's happened or has not
I've got three favorite words for telling time I hope you'll borrow
Those words are _____________, _________ and _____________
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Four Seasons - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Four seasons, say them all
____, ____, _____, ____
Four seasons, say them all
____, ____, _____, ____
Four seasons, say them all
____, ____, _____, ____
_______ into a pile of leaves
_______ weather, warm it's not!
_______, I hear the sparrow sing
_______, sandals, sun so hot
Da, da, da, da, da
Four seasons, say them all
____, ____, _____, ____
Four seasons, say them all
____, ____, _____, ____
Four seasons, say them all
____, ____, _____, ____
Some people say Autumn instead of Fall;
Autumn means Fall
_______ or _______, whichever you please
_______ cold; I need to sneeze (achoo)
_______ flowers bloom on a tree
_______ vacation; swim in the sea
Four seasons, say them all
____, ____, _____, ____
Four seasons, say them all
____, ____, _____, ____
Four seasons, say them all
____, ____, _____, ____