Courtesy - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
When it comes to common courtesy
Excuse me, sorry, thanks and please
Aren't being used as thoroughly
As they ought to be
Excuse me, sorry, thanks and please
Can win the day and keep the peace
Excuse me, sorry, thanks and please
All add up to courtesy
Excuse me if I accidentally step onto your foot
I'm really, really very sorry if I made your piggies hurt
I didn't mean to do it, so thanks for understanding
Please stand clear! You never know where my big feet are landing!
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You Can Do It - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
You can do it if you want to
You can do it if you try
You can do it if you want to
You can do it if you try
You can do it if you try
You can do it if you try
T-R-Y if you try
If you try
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Be Nice - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
I will be, I will be nice to you
I will be, I will be nice to you
If you will be nice to me
Then we can be happy
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Best Friends - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
We are friends
Four best friends
We are friends
Four best friends
I'm glad that you are friends with me
Let's go outside and climb a tree
Play Hide and Seek in the yard or
Stay inside and play some cards
That sounds like fun. I love climbing trees. Cards games are fun too. How about "Go Fish?"
When you have a friend that's true
Doesn't matter what you do
It's nice to have some best friends just like you and you and you.
We are friends
Four best friends
We are friends
Four best friends
I'm glad that you are friends with me
Let's have a lovely tea party
Put on mommy's pretty dress
Then bake a cake and clean the mess
Baking a cake sounds fun, but do I have to wear a dress? Let's just bake a cake.
When you have a friend that's true
Doesn't matter what you do
It's nice to have some best friends just like you and you and you.
We are friends
Four best friends
We are friends
Four best friends
I'm glad that you are friends with me
Let's watch a really fun movie
Share a bowl of popcorn too
Then maybe go out to the zoo
Lions, tigers and bears oh my
When you have a friend that's true
Doesn't matter what you do
It's nice to have some best friends just like you and you and you.
We are friends
Four best friends
We are friends
Four best friends
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Smile - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Smile, smile, smile
We want to see a happy child
Smile, smile, smile
Show me one with style
Are you sad?
Are you mad?
Were you bad?
That's no fun!
Can you show me one? One big smile.
Smile, smile, smile
Let's see a happy child
Smile, smile, smile
Stretch your mouth out wider than a mile
Are you sad?
Are you mad?
Were you bad?
That's no fun!
Can you show me one? One big smile.
Smile, smile, smile
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Laugh - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
huh, huh, hee, hee, ha, ha...
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Share Your Love - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love's much better than hate
Love's much better to create
Love should never have to wait
Share your love, share your love
Don't be late
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love's much better than fear
Love's much better when it's near
Love should never disappear
Share your love, share your love
All year
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Bubble Bath - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
I like to take a bubble bath
The sudsy water makes me laugh
Especially when I make it splash
I love my bubble bath
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Thank You - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
One day I fell down on the floor
People walked by and just ignored
Before I had time to get sad
A nice person grabbed my hand
Lifted me on my feet again
Thank you my friend
Thank you my friend
Thank you my friend
Da, da, da, da, da, da, da
One day I made a small mistake
I spilled my milk and chocolate cake... no!
Before everyone could laugh and roar
A nice person helped me clean the floor
And shared their cake with me in the end
Thank you my friend
Thank you my friend
Thank you my friend
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you
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Dreaming - music sample - © 2007 Smart Kid Publishing, ASCAP
Last night I had a dream that I was flying.
Dreaming when I sleep
Stories when I sleep
Dreaming when I sleep
Stories when I sleep
Where do dreams come from?
I don't know
I'm just dreaming... when I sleep.
Dreaming when I sleep
Stories when I sleep
Dreaming when I sleep
Stories when I sleep
Tomorrow when I wake up
I will let you know
What I'm dreaming... when I sleep
One night I had a dream that I was swimming with Dolphins.